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Thank you for taking the interest to contribute to our blog. Before you submit your piece, please read the following guidelines. All the points mentioned are mandatory. The submission is likely to be dismissed in case any one or more points are not adhered to.


Nyayshastram accepts submission in the form of short articles, essays and case-analysis on a rolling-basis. Submissions are invited from lawyers, academicians, PhD scholars, students and all those who are interested in the study of Law.

What to submit?

Nyayshastram does not impose any theme-based restrictions; however, authors may submit an article themed on contemporary socio-legal issues.



  • The submission must be the original work of the author.

  • The submission must not have been published earlier on any website, book, journal, magazine or such media.

  • The submission should be well-researched, appropriately presented and critically-reasoned work of the author.

  • The submission must be free from plagiarism (acceptable limit is 15%).



The authors must strictly adhere to Nyayshastram’s prescribed format of submissions:

  • The submission must be in doc/Docx format.

  • PDFs are not accepted

  • Font: Times New Roman or Garamond

  • Font size: 12 pts for ‘main body’, 10 pts for ‘footnotes’

  • 1.5 line spacing

  • Headings and sub-headings must be bold

  • There should be a gap of a single line after every paragraph

  • The submission should be accompanied by an Abstract of not more than 150 words

  • The prescribed limit for the submission is 1000-1500 words

  • The submission must include ‘Introduction’ and ‘Conclusion

  • Any mode of citation can be used uniformly throughout the article.


The authors shall send their work/ submissions to with the subject line ‘Submission-Article/Essay/Case-analysis’ (depending on the type of work).


The body of the mail should include the following details in the same order:

  • Title of the submission

  • Name of the Author

  • Year of study, name of college/current designation



Upon successful submission, Nyayshastram’s editorial board will review the work of the author. The board may approve or reject the submission or refer back to the author for reconsideration. Only approved submissions shall be published. The decision of the Editorial Board shall be deemed final in this regard.

Authors of all the published work/submission shall receive an e-certificate of publication.


NOTE: Articles once published will not be deleted under any circumstances. Nyayshastram reserves the right to remove it at any time.

The authors would be required to include (copy) the following form in the mail body upon serving of acceptance mail for publication.

Copyright Declaration 


  1. I confirm that I have read, understood and agreed to the submission guidelines and policies.

  2. I confirm that the manuscript is my original work and the document has not received prior publication and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

  3. I confirm that I attest to the validity and legitimacy of the data and its interpretation, and agree to its submission.

  4. I confirm that the paper now submitted is not copied or plagiarised version of some other published work.

  5. I declare that I shall not submit the article for publication elsewhere without the express consent from Nyayshastram.




Title of submission:

Thanks for submitting!

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Nyayshastram shall reserve certain exclusive rights. No member of the Advisory & Editorial Board can be contacted without prior permission from the Managerial Board.

The website may offer users to read, react or comment to express their opinions on the individual blog posts, which may be open to the public generally. By virtue of entering this website, the users acknowledge that all the content is user content and while reacting to it they agree to comply with the rules and restrictions on user content. Nyayshastram does not subscribe to any of the views expressed by such users/authors.

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Designed By Palvinder Mahal

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