Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Law University, Sonepat (DBRANLU) was established by the State Government of Haryana in the year 2012 vide State Legislature Act No. 15 of 2012 in the education hub of India; Rajiv Gandhi Education City, Rai, Sonepat. DBRANLU holds the distinction of being the only National Law University in Haryana.
SwarnUtsav is the Annual Cultural cum Legal Fest, SwarnUtsav, which shall take place from 28th April to 30th April, 2023, a one-of-a-kind amalgamation of culture and law organized by the bright minds of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Law University. The event will be a vibrant celebration of the intersection of law and culture. Our fest is a unique platform for students to showcase their talent, creativity, and knowledge in various competitions.
The Research and Publications Committee of DBRANLU is proud to host “WORDATHON,” an Article Writing cum Presentation Competition as part of SwarnUtsav’23. The competition shall be divided into two stages.
Stage one shall encompass call for submission of articles from participants across the country. Thereafter, top ten submissions shall be selected on the basis of merit of the manuscript among the received submissions for Stage two of the competition.
In Stage two, authors of selected top ten submissions shall be invited to the University for the presentation of their article before the judges on 30th April, 2023.
Also, there would be a cap of two authors for submission and only a single submission would be allowed from one team.
Students/Participants must be pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Law, i.e., 3-year LL.B. Course or 5-year LL.B. course from any recognized College or University or pursuing LL.M from any recognized University. (Students of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Law University shall not be eligible for participation in the competition).
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Law University, Rajiv Ghandhi Education City, Rajiv Gandhi Education City, Rai, Haryana 131021.
Given below is the list of areas of law and themes for the competition. The author(s) may give submission on any one theme.
1. Technology Law
Replacing human contact in the post pandemic legal profession.
Smart Contractors and NFT: A key to new age Agreement Policy.
2. Securities Law
Tracing the graph of economic crimes vis-a-vis increase in SEBI market bans.
3. Banking and Financial Law
Regulatory lessons for Indian Banking system vis-a-vis American Banking crisis.
Secondment of employees in India: A linear or curve jurisprudence?
Criminal Acts in the Banking sector vis-a-vis juridical review of the procedure of law enforcement agencies.
4. Mergers and Acquisitions Law
Anti-trust law: A boon or bane to merger and acquisitions and inclusive economic growth.
Comparative analysis of the international merger and acquisition jurisdictions across the globe.
5. Insolvency and Bankruptcy Law
Negotiable Instruments Act vis-a-vis Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: can liability be evaded with insolvency?
Effects of moratorium on income tax proceedings.
Real-estate insolvencies: A grey area of IBC & other statutes.
Voluntary Liquidation processes: Comparative jurisprudence for its streamlining.
Takeaways for Indian insolvency regime: Pre-packaged insolvency resolution.
Insolvency procedure across the globe through the lens of alternative Dispute Resolution.
6. Intellectual Property Law
Metaverse and Digital Assets vis-a-vis Intellectual Property Rights.
7. Sports Law
Rights and obligations of athletes vis-a-vis modern sports law contracts and players agents’ regulations.
Legality and scope of use of bitcoin in online sports betting across foreign jurisdictions.
8. Media Law
Void in Statutes and Regulations vis-a-vis Media Law.
9. Fashion Law
Introduction and challenges of Fashion law to the Metaverse and the Digital Era.
10. Company Law
Role and importance of Poison Pill in the corporate arena.
Insider trading in India vis-a-vis cross-section and jurisprudence of the regulatory statutes.
Innovations in corporate law: takeaways for Indian Legislature.
11. Arbitration law
Comparative analysis of Indian & foreign jurisprudence for validity of sole arbitrator in arbitration.
Author(s) of the top five presentations shall be awarded as follows: -
1st Position- Rs. 10,000, Certificate of Excellence, Internship Opportunity, Publication on the Blog
2nd Position- Rs. 7,500, Certificate of Excellence, Internship Opportunity, Publication on the Blog
3rd Position- Rs. 5,000, Certificate of Excellence, Internship Opportunity, Publication on the Blog
4th Position- Certificate of Merit and Publication on the Blog
5th Position- Certificate of Merit and Publication on the Blog
Moreover, the top 5 submissions shall be given a Certificate of Merit and shall be published on the DBRANLU Law Review Blog under the ‘featured’ category,
Note: These prizes are as per particular positions, not for individual participants.
Participants must send in their submissions before April 26th, 2023.
All works must be original and unpublished and must not be pending for review before any other journal or publishing platforms.
Each participant will receive a registration number/code after their registration is complete.
The Authors shall be solely responsible for any dispute arising out of their manuscript including copyright, defamation, objectionable content or contempt and agree to suffer the loss, if any, caused by violating copyright or any other rights.
The submissions shall only be accepted through the Google form link sent through mail.
The word limit for the submission shall be between 1200 and 1500 words. Any pieces exceeding the given word limit shall be accepted only at the discretion of the Editorial Board.
No re-submission requests shall be entertained. Doing so shall lead to immediate disqualification of the Author(s).
The evaluation of the Article shall be done with the following considerations including but not limited to:
a. Knowledge of the Law
b. Originality of Thought
c. Lack of Plagiarism (Limit :10%)
d. Uniform style of Referencing
e. Fluidity in delivery
f. Solution-based Conclusions
The Articles must be submitted as a word document (.doc or .docx)
Word Limit: 1200-1500 words. Longer pieces may be accepted subject to the discretion of the Editorial Board.
Formatting: Times New Roman, 12 pt., 1.5 line spacing; Endnotes (if any) font size 10, single-spaced.
All Relevant Authorities must be duly acknowledged and hyperlinked in the text of the submission itself. If no online source is available, then endnotes (OSCOLA 4th Edition) may be used.
Co-Authorship is allowed up to two authors, but not more.
The Author(s) bear the sole responsibility for the accuracy of facts, opinions or views put forth in the submitted manuscript.
The submission must be an original work of the author(s) and must not be in consideration for publication elsewhere.
Similarity Index of more than 10% shall lead to immediate rejection.
The manuscript must not have any personal information about the author(s).
Copyright of all blog posts shall vest with "The DBRANLU Law Review-Blog.”
Acceptance or Rejection of the same shall be communicated via E-mail within two to three business days.
1. Submission Fee: Rs. 250/- (To be made at the time of submission)
2. Presentation Fee: Rs. 750/- (Upon successfully completing Stage 1)
Registration Link: - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScVGGJs0jLOQ6-lnHwJXVaKVnTjcZBHgyKb1yRXH-VhHA0FMA/viewform
Advityaa Makkar (Student Member)
+91 8800901810
Mohd. Saud-ur-Rehman Siddiqui (Student Member)
+91 9424469257