The Covid 19 Pandemic which emerged in late 2019 has has had an impact on the whole world with their being lockdowns and deaths throughout the world. Other than causing health concerns this pandemic has also resulted in lockdowns being held throughout. This has led to certain economical issues in the form of loss of daily income and salary cuts which has resulted in hardships for many working professionals. Schools and many educational institutions are functioning virtually similar to online courses which are provides however the fees which is to be paid for them remains the same as it was had it been physical. Furthermore many parents due to these financial constraints have been facing hardships to pay their child's fees which is extravagant in nature despite there being no use of campus resources.
In the Light of these financial constraints and the economic hardships being faced by the parents. Law Students of Manipal University, Jaipur have filed a petition at the Jaipur HC Through Advocates Satyam Singh Rajput ,Harsha Sharma , Amit Kumar Sharma and Tushar Panwar.
They through their petition sought the intervention of the Court to direct the University Authorities to reduce the fees as the Parents are suffering from financial crisis due to the Pandemic and it has become difficult for them to pay the extravagant fee. They contended that this virus has made the whole world suffer frightfully not only health-wise but economically too. The Covid-19 Virus or the Corona Virus has depressed the level of Indian as well as Global Economy.
They through the petition prayed for a direction of the court to the concerned authorities to reduce the fee as many parents are facing economic hardships and are facing constraints in paying the said extravagant fees. They further requested for the authorities to provide a proper bifurcation of the Tuition fee. They also prayed to the court to issue directions to concerned authorities to make guidelines to formulate, implement and regulate the Higher-Education Fee Structure and its collection during pandemic period.\
In Light of this petition the Rajasthan High Court on 28th may issued notice against Manipal University which shall be returnable within 8 weeks and directed the respondents not to take coercive action against students.