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  • Writer's pictureNiloy Subir Ghosh

Lawyers write letter to the CJI, Seek court intervention in Black Marketing of Covid Essentials

Whenever there is an absolute need of a commodity certain negative elements try to profit from the same by creating a pseudo shortage by hoarding them in large numbers and then selling them at higher prices. Presently in India which is undergoing the 2nd wave of the Corona Virus ,there has been an acute shortage of various important medicine like Remedesivir injection , Tocilizumab and even oxygen cylinders.

In the light of the same Satyam Singh Rajput , Advocate of Supreme Court and Founder Justice For Rights Foundation , Advocate Amit Kumar Sharma Lawyer Abhijeet Kumar Bhatt and Ayush Kumar Upadhyay , a Law student wrote an open letter to Chief Justice of India look into the matter of black marketing of Oxygen and Remdesivir injection , Tocilizumab , Fabi - flu and some other life-saving medicines across India.

Mr Rajput stated in his letter that Approximately 54.5 percent of admissions during the second wave required supplemental oxygen during the treatment and it shows the necessity of oxygen and Some people are storing oxygen without having the licence to store those oxygen cylinders and selling those at a higher price. .

Mr Rajput further stated that Due to the black marketing of Oxygen and Oxygen and Remdesivir injection tocilizumab and some other life-saving Medicines/injection many people are losing their life because they cannot afford such a hefty amount. Some Hospitals and Doctors are also involved in this black marketing and they are demanding Injections from the attendant of the patient and they are not using that injection for the benefit of the corona patient they are giving that to some people who are involved with them in this black marketing so that he/she can sell that injection to some other person with 10x

more price.

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