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Writer's pictureAyush Kumar

DBRANLU's 1st National E-Youth Parliament: [Register by 2nd December]

About Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Law University

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Law University is situated in the Rajiv Gandhi Educational City, Rai, Sonepat where more than thirteen renowned educational Institutions and Universities have been established and are functional. The location provides a perfect positive and friendly environment for education besides the overall development of students.

In this era of technology and globalization, we envisage a process of legal education by imparting value-based, intellectually stimulating academic environment whereby our students are not only the leaders in various streams of the legal profession but also develop proper aptitude to serve.

About 1st National E- Youth Parliament

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Law University is privileged to announce its 1st National E –Youth Parliament, 2020. This first virtual edition of Mock Parliament aims to provide students with a platform to debate on issues of national importance and try their candour and erudite to work together while competing with students from all over India. It gives a platform to all the aspirants to participate in this event, utilizing the Lockdown time to learn, analyze, energize and inspire all to maintain a positive attitude during the Pandemic, COVID -19.

Our Theme

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were born at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro in 2012. The objective was to produce a set of universal goals that meet the urgent environmental, political and economic challenges facing our world.

The SDGs are a bold commitment to finish what we started and tackle some of the more pressing challenges facing the world today. All 17 Goals interconnect, meaning that success in one will have an effect on success for others.

To raise awareness regarding the SDGs, we decided to make these our themes, and all Agendas are based on these goals so while discussing these Agendas, we can also shed light on these global issues of grave importance.

Committees and Agendas

1. Lok Sabha

Reviewing the Constitution (108th Amendment) Bill (Women Reservation Bill) viewing the representation of women in Lok Sabha and reviewing representation of women in Panchayats.

2. Rajya Sabha

Reviewing India’s Foreign Import policy to revive GDP rates with emphasis on promoting ‘MADE IN INDIA’ and banning Chinese goods.

3. Haryana Vidhan Sabha

Reviewing housing and sanitation crisis after COVID-19 pandemic with special reference to construction of affordable infrastructure in rural areas.

4. All India Political Parties' Meet

Reviewing the Environment Protection Act in response to Climate Change keeping in view its effect on Indian Agriculture, farmers and flora, and fauna.

5. War Cabinet

Agenda Classified

Important Dates

1. Last Date to Registration: 2nd December 2020

2. Windup of Allotment of Portfolios: 2nd December 2020

3. Workshop/ Orientation of Participants: 4th December 2020

4. Dates of Competition: 5th – 6th December 2020

Brochure Link

The Brochure is attached here -


There is no fee registration for the event. This Youth Parliament is free for students from all schools, colleges, and other institutions in India in order to provide a platform for Individuals to show their skills.

Please register through this link -

Contact Information

For any query, please email us at or call or WhatsApp us

Prakriti – 8491857441, Sehaj – 9988535482 Pranav – 9101099329, Saksham – 9871090393

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