The United Nations marks its 75th anniversary as the world confronts an unprecedented health crisis, compounded by the Economic crisis and severe Political and Social impacts. The Covid-19 pandemic is a stark reminder of the necessity for global cooperation, with the imperatives of sustainable and innovative responses to handle the pressing challenges.
The United Nations has launched a global dialogue, echoing the vitality of diverse and distinct voices on a worldwide stage. As a part of the UN75 National Team, in collaboration with the Confederation Of Young Leaders (CYL), we call for articles to be published in our E-book titled PRATIBIMB: The Future We Want. It endeavours to serve as a mechanism to assert robust solutions which could contribute towards the path for a change.
Submission Guidelines:
Participants are invited to submit their articles based on the themes provided. Please ensure you clearly specify under which theme you are submitting.
Article submissions will only be accepted in word document format through the Google form.
All submitted articles should articulate original, unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical.
Use British English spellings rather than American spellings except in direct quotations, proper names and source titles.
Body Format - MS Word document, 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman, 12 points, Text - Justified, except for titles and quotations.
Word limit - 1000-1500 words,
In-text citation- First author Last Name; First author’s First Name; (Year of publication).
Referencing Style: Chicago Style of referencing.
Submission Portal:- The articles can be submitted via Google Form here.
Themes & Submission Deadlines
Geopolitics in a Post Covid World: 20th Oct
Sustainable Environment Models for Development: 30th Oct
Viewing the Global Society through Gendered Lens: 10th Nov
Alternative political narratives and forms of governance in a post-COVID world: 20th Nov
Digital Governance and Cyber Security: 30th Nov