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Writer's pictureAyush Kumar

Call for Articles: UN75's PRATIBIMB

The United Nations marks its 75th anniversary as the world confronts an unprecedented health crisis, compounded by the Economic crisis and severe Political and Social impacts. The Covid-19 pandemic is a stark reminder of the necessity for global cooperation, with the imperatives of sustainable and innovative responses to handle the pressing challenges.

The United Nations has launched a global dialogue, echoing the vitality of diverse and distinct voices on a worldwide stage. As a part of the UN75 National Team, in collaboration with the Confederation Of Young Leaders (CYL), we call for articles to be published in our E-book titled PRATIBIMB: The Future We Want. It endeavours to serve as a mechanism to assert robust solutions which could contribute towards the path for a change.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Participants are invited to submit their articles based on the themes provided. Please ensure you clearly specify under which theme you are submitting.

  • Article submissions will only be accepted in word document format through the Google form.

  • All submitted articles should articulate original, unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical.

  • Use British English spellings rather than American spellings except in direct quotations, proper names and source titles.

  • Body Format - MS Word document, 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman, 12 points, Text - Justified, except for titles and quotations.

  • Word limit - 1000-1500 words,

  • In-text citation- First author Last Name; First author’s First Name; (Year of publication).

  • Referencing Style: Chicago Style of referencing.

  • Submission Portal:- The articles can be submitted via Google Form here.

Themes & Submission Deadlines

  1. Geopolitics in a Post Covid World: 20th Oct

  2. Sustainable Environment Models for Development: 30th Oct

  3. Viewing the Global Society through Gendered Lens: 10th Nov

  4. Alternative political narratives and forms of governance in a post-COVID world: 20th Nov

  5. Digital Governance and Cyber Security: 30th Nov

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